Sunday, July 12, 2015

Are We Being Controlled By Smart Gadgets?

Seriously, don’t you feel that we are being controlled by Smart-Gadgets? Ever wondered what’s really happening with you and your smart gadget? Suppose if you own a Smart-Phone and are an addict, then you’re definitely being controlled by it. Is that okay to be so? Or does it have to change? There’s a lot of confusion among the people today, lot of discussions and many more going on, on the very same concept. However, the conclusion still remains unconcluded. In fact, there’s no conclusion for this.

We, for the need of luxuries and to show-off our technological advancements have been trying to invent and create new smart-products. That’s good news, but there also is a bad news that has been failed to be noticed by people all around. What if I say, “Your creativity decreases by more than 60% due to continuous use of smart phone’s”. Suppose that you are one among those, who are too obsessed with using a smart-phone. In that case, there are things you do and do not even realize for a matter of time, like: “You don’t pay attention to the people around you which might possibly affect the relationship”, “You always are in a hurry to capture some beautiful moment instead for cherishing it”, “You waste a lot of time by just looking at the screen, old texts, some random stuff – just when you need to be concentrating on studies (or other important but boring works)”. Trust me, you are in a very serious threat.

If this situation persists in the coming future, the young generation today could be affected with Insomnia, Acidity, Hyper Tension and what not. Do we really have to take it that long? Can’t we just use the smart-gadget when we NEED? I do really agree, that smart-phone or most of the other smart-gadgets are essential for us today. But, do not let it take control over you. Also follow the cell phone etiquette which is not really prevalent in this modern world of smart phones.

Here’s example of how smart-gadgets are starting to enter small chores:

how smart-gadgets are starting to enter small chores
smart knife

 Egg Minder wirelessly connects to your mobile device to track the number of eggs
Smart egg tray
Do You Play Games Often?
Playing games on a smart-phone is one of those matters that need to be focused on. Gaming for a while could relieve stress, pressure and generate relaxing hormones in your body, which helps you to relax. But, if it is an obsession for you, you might lose all of your creativity. There were several researches conducted and the same has been proved. While playing online or computer/smart phone games could be used to relax your mind, excess of that could ruin your brain’s ability to imagine. But there also is an advantage - you can develop your reflexes and observation skills. Who really cares, if your creativity is dead.

Do you not care about creativity being dead? Okay, imagine the next decade where the youngsters today are the generation driving the world. Who could possibly be good enough to CREATE a game? Who could be able to take important decisions in a short period? Give it a thought, my friend.! Try the concept of DigitalDetox and feel the change.

Round Up:
I’m not against this whole smart-world thing. But I’m the one who believe, “Things need to be controlled, but not us.” We never will like to be controlled. Also, if AI really improves its standards to develop robots that could take our place in any work, just imagine what could be the possibilities. Just a small flaw in its system, and there could be a cinematic situation – uncontrolled, aggressive behavior (which we for now, do not think would even possibly happen).

For me to explain that I’m not totally against the smart-world concept, I personally had liked the concepts of augmented realityand 3D printing which could be the revolution in the coming future.
Smart-Gadgets are meant to be used. But do not completely depend on them. Balance between using smart-gadgets and you being smart.

PS: Just a thought, for a change.

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