Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Revolution

Shekar looked the same since the beginning. A person who cared a lot about his looks. He was always well dressed and looked handsome. A tie always adorned his neck. Cufflinks were never forgotten. The shoes always shined with shoe polish. And he was always clean shaven. People around him used to say that his looks were a major contributor to his success, either in board meetings, presentation or project pitches. Who wouldn’t like to nod their heads to the words spoken by a person who looks smart because of his looks. It is rumoured that the college princess and his wife, Preethi fell for his clean shaven looks.

But things in the world started changing. The new generation started sporting moustaches and beards in a variety of styles. Styles from different parts of the world were mixed and matched and were given new names. News channels regularly discussed the new phenomenon. Newspapers started columns dedicated to styling of moustaches and beards. The whole world was filled with chaos. In this chaos, Shekar was a lone man trying to figure out what had happened and how he could deal with it. Every day, he used to think for hours together if he should continue with his clean shaven look or if he should follow the footsteps of the world and be a part of the revolution.

One fine day, a decision was made which he later realised was a wrong one.He tried to move along with the rest of the world and be a part of the revolution that promised to change the way the world looks at men. With this decision started his days of sorrow. He was no longer the centre of attraction in board meetings. People started getting bored of his presentations. He was no longer the man about whom the world would talk. Shekar once again went into a thoughtful mood and realised his mistake. He went back to his clean shaven look and the world once again started considering him as an idol of inspiration.

This post is a part of #WillYouShave activity at BlogAdda in association with Gillette

I am acknowledging the tag by Ranjith.

Arun and Varun

Arun and Varun were twins. They looked exactly similar to each other. None, including their parents could identify who was whom. And this gave the twins several opportunities to play pranks. One of them would stand on the first floor of the school building and the other on the second floor. People moving from the ground to the third floor, who didn’t knew about the twins would be surprised and shocked. They used to wonder if it was God trying to convey something or if it was a devil trying to frighten them. The two twins always scored the same marks in all exams and teachers used to wonder if they communicated with each other using some technique unknown to the world.

But things were not the same when then moved to college. Arun sported a stubble and Varun was always clean shaven. Each one of them was proud of their looks. They would called themselves the most handsome guys on Earth. This difference no longer allowed them to play pranks but still they enjoyed looking the way they wanted.

But as days passed by, Arun started moving into a stage of depression. People used to talk much more with Varun than with Arun. The girls of the college always used to look out for an opportunity to go for lunch or dinner with Varun while they used to reject every invitation by Arun. Arun couldn’t understand the reason behind their behaviour.

Arun tried to imitate Varun in every possible way. He changed his dressing style and his way of talking and behaving to match that of Varun but still things remained the same. He appeared to be the only person on this entire Earth that the world didn’t want to talk with. One day, he had a lengthy discussion with Arun about the issue. They tried analysing each and every point and Varun asked Arun if his stubble was the reason. Arun ridiculed Varun saying that he was concentrating on unnecessary things instead of trying to find a solution. The discussion ended without a result.

The next day, Arun changed his mind and tried the suggestion given by Varun. He had a clean shave. What happened that day surprised both the twins. Now, people wanted to be with Arun as much as they wanted to be with Varun. And now, since they both looked the same in all aspects, they began playing pranks on unsuspecting strangers, once again.

This post is a part of #WillYouShave activity at BlogAdda in association with Gillette

I am acknowledging the tag by Ranjith.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Yes, Debian stinks

# apt-get dist-upgrade
dpkg: dependency problems prevent processing triggers for hal:
 hal depends on libdbus-glib-1-2 (>= 0.78); however:
  Package libdbus-glib-1-2:amd64 is not configured yet.
 hal depends on pciutils; however:
  Package pciutils is not configured yet.
 hal depends on dbus (>= 0.61); however:
  Package dbus is not configured yet.

dpkg: error processing package hal (--configure):
 dependency problems - leaving triggers unprocessed
dpkg: dependency problems prevent processing triggers for hal:
 hal depends on libdbus-glib-1-2 (>= 0.78); however:
  Package libdbus-glib-1-2:amd64 is not configured yet.
 hal depends on pciutils; however:
  Package pciutils is not configured yet.
 hal depends on dbus (>= 0.61); however:
  Package dbus is not configured yet.

dpkg: error processing package hal (--configure):
 dependency problems - leaving triggers unprocessed
dpkg: too many errors, stopping
Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.19-13) ...
Errors were encountered while processing:
Processing was halted because there were too many errors.
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Jesus, do you guys really have no QA???

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Belajar Make-Up Wajah Sendiri di Android

Sebenarnya artikel kali ini khusus diperuntukkan bagi kaum hawa. Tapi jika kaum adam ingin ikut menyimak, silahkan saja :D Kenapa? Karena saya akan merekomendasikan sebuah aplikasi mampu membuat kaum hawa tampil lebih cantik. Sebuah aplikasi yang isinya mengandung hal-hal yang berbau make-up. Ya sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan bedak, lipstik, mascara dan lain-lainnya. Aplikasi ini cocok sekali

6 Fitur Tersembunyi di Android yang tidak orang sadari

Rata-rata pengguna smartphone Android memanfaatkan sistem operasi berbasis Jelly Bean hanya sekedarnya saja. Sebagian besar hanya dipakai untuk mengakses Jejaring Social, Games, dan mendownload aplikasi. Tahukah Anda, ternyata di dalam sistem operasi Android yang berbasis Jelly Bean, ada fitur tersembunyi yang bisa kita manfaatkan. Ini bisa membuat fungsi Android yang Anda miliki sekarang lebih

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Merombak Tampilan Android Sesuka Hati dengan ADW.Launcher

Sudah saatnya Anda mengubah tampilan Android Anda agar tidak terasa membosankan. Mengubah tampilan dengan Tema? Tetap saja membosankan. Saya menemukan aplikasi yang dapat lebih bisa mempercantik tampilan Android Anda. Bukan hanya mengubah tampilan Homescreen saja, tetapi juga seluruh menu navigasi-nya. Untuk Anda yang selalu ingin tampil beda dari yang lain, aplikasi ini sangat cocok untuk Anda

How to watch youtube videos without internet on Android or iOS

Google recently launched new option exclusively for India,Indonesia and Philippines countries that without internet still we can watch youtube.Now you can download video and watch those videos within 48hrs.This option has released in India at Mumbai press event officially.The step for watching youtube video has given below.

First step you have to sign in for downloaded youtube application on iOS or Android.

 Once sign in youtube application select the video to be watch on offline

Once selected video is opened select "Watch to Watch" option.

Then select "offline" option at the same menu option.

Once offline option got selected, the selected video got downloaded and available to watch on offline at mobiles.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Berhijab tapi tetep terlihat Gaul? Download Aplikasinya!

Berhijab bagi wanita muslim merupakan sebuah kewajiban. Tapi tentu saja dengan berhijab Anda harus melengkapinya dengan akhlak dan perilaku yang sempurna. Meninggalkan kebiasaan lama yang kurang pantas dilakukan wanita muslim selayaknya. Ada banyak wanita muslim yang belum siap berhijab dengan alasan belum dapat hidayah lah, atau ribet lah.. Wajar, mungkin itu semua dipengaruhi oleh faktor

2 Langkah Rahasia Menambah Space Dropbox di Android Secara Gratis

Yang saya tahu, fungsi Dropbox itu adalah sebagai media untuk menyimpan file backup dan sinkronisasi data. Terutama jika kita mempunyai kolaborasi proyek dengan rekan kerja kita, sehingga file tsb bisa diakses oleh seluruh tim proyek menggunakan akun Dropbox mereka masing-masing. Untuk yang belum faham tentang fungsi Dropbox secara keseluruhan, saya jabarkan beberapa uraiannya di bawah ini:

Google closing down its office in Russia

Google announced that they were closing down its engineering office in Russia after the bill was passed ordering internet companies to only store Russian user's data within the country's boarder.

Russia explains the new law will protect its citizens against foreign spies. Other company such as Adobe also leave Russia last September.

European parliament also passed a copyright law last January, requiring every Spanish publication to charge outside services, such as Google News, a fee for showing any content from their publications, including headlines. Earlier this week, Google announced its separation with Spain. For more details regarding this article, you may visit Google to Leave Russia and Google to be 'Broken Up' in Europe in Bid to End Search Monopoly.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

The specially crafted message that can crash WhatsApp; an exploit found out by two Indian security researchers

Two Indian researchers have discovered a flaw in WhatsApp that that can crash the WhatsApp messenger if sent to it from another user.  This is achieved by sending a specially crafted code which the two Indians,  Indrajeet Bhuyan and Saurav Kar have discovered. 
A specially crafted code that can crash your friends WhatsApp

Indrajeet Bhuyan and Saurav Kar are both 17 year old teenagers and have discovered this vulnerability in WhatsApp message handler. This code once sent will crash the WhatsApp on the users smartphone but the problem is that in order to restore normal operation, the victim (one who has received this message) will have to delete his/her whole conversation and start a new chat session. The teenagers said that the WhatsApp wont work till the chat has been deleted completely.

The code is reproduced below : 

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This flaw affects all Android devices including the Android 4.3 Kitkat and has not been tested on Android 5.0 lollipop and iOS devices yet. Surprisingly the code doesnt crash the WhatsApp messenger on Window mobiles

WhatsApp groups can also be seriously impacted by this specially crafted message code.  A attacker can send this to a group and cause the whole groups WhatsApp to crash.  This code though harmless in long term can cause heartburns if tried on your friends.

Resource : Security Affairs

The marriage

Going through matrimonial ads, contacting them and arranging for a meeting had become a daily routine for Ramesh’s parents. His friends too keep hunting every street of the city looking for the perfect match. Whenever a family get together happens, Ramesh’s marriage would find a place in the agenda of discussion. He is in his 30’s and is yet to get married. Ramesh’s parents, friends and relatives are always seen searching for a bride but they never found one.
Ramesh likes almost every other prospective bride but the rejection comes from the other side. He has a good job, a handsome salary and is handsome but still is unmarried. And none knows the reason behind it. He had consulted everyone from a baba to an astrologer. He has hundreds of sacred threads tied on his wrist. He had changed his name innumerable times as per the suggestions of the astrologer but his marital status remained the same since ages. He is eagerly waiting for the day when he would be tying the nuptial knot.

As usual, a meeting was arranged with a prospective bride. The two had talked over the phone before the meeting and based on the talks, Ramesh though that the marriage would be confirmed for sure. He thought that there was no reason for the girl to reject him. But as usual, things didn’t go as per his expectations. The moment the girl, Priya, say Ramesh, she let out a loud shriek. Ramesh jumped in his seat on hearing the shriek. Things became normal after a few seconds. Ramesh was determined to find out why girls keep rejecting him all the time. He gathered courage and asked her the reason. A silence of five minutes followed. Those five minutes appeared like a year or two to Ramesh. Finally, breaking the silence, Priya said, ‘Did you ever look at your stubble?’  

This post is a part of #WillYouShave activity at BlogAdda in association with Gillette

I am acknowledging the tag by Ranjith.

Techmisan - Latest technology news feed for Android

Want to know and keep up-to-date with latest technology news? "Techmisan" is an android application designed primarily for technology enthusiasts who loves to read the latest news about technology. It is an app where most of your beloved technology themed blogsites/websites are found in one app. It basically gathers posts/articles from the said blogsites/websites and presented in one app.

Stay up to date in the world of technology and news with Techmisan. You can follow your favorite tech sites, blogs, and more, all in one place.
The app gathers all latest feed of the best tech sites in the Philippines.

Also you can:
- add widget with feeds on home screen;
- set notification on
- add news to favorites;
- share news with friends.

If you want to add your site in the app or want to ask just contact

More updates to come.

Creator: Felimar Salon
Partner: Werda Kairan

Acknowledgement to
-Sir Randolph Novino of Pinoyscreencast for the help and review.
-Solomon Monotilla for the google play account

You may download the app directly from Playstore.
Techmisan - Anong bago?


Thursday, December 11, 2014

Smart FREE Internet 25GB - Until 05.06.2015

Smart Communications offers FREE internet with consumable data allocation of 25GB valid until May 06, 2015. Just this morning I got a text message from SMART which states:

"We just put 26214400 free units on your account, because you have a Free Unit subscription for 0 per day, valid until 05.06.2015."

They also offer a one time registration of FREE FB with 30 MB worth of data.

"FREE ang internet mo sa Smart Prepaid! Enjoy UNLI FACEBOOK & 30mb valid 1 day until Jan 5! Only one-time registration required. Text FREE to 9999 now. DTI3332"

Smart Communications did not post advisory yet but expected to release within the day.

Inspired: Getting employees to love your entrepreneurial baby.

I’ve been asked several times how to get employees to care more about their employer as a whole and as a culture. Fundamentally, how to get the Peter Gibbons’ of the world who are shouting, “It’s not that I’m lazy, it’s that I just don’t care,” to actually care. I’m not talking dangling carrot promotion caring or a dollar more per hour caring. I’m talking work is my life, it is practically all I think about, it is all I want to do, my identity is my work caring. And then not just a handful of those people, but an entire company full of them.

If you say impossible, then you are part of the problem.

You must first be inspired. It will energize you. It will help you clarify your goal(s). It will help you remove doubt. Just convincing yourself that you can be an agent of positive change can be inspiring.
Once you are inspired, share your vision with your audience in mind. Discuss what you want to transform, why you want to transform it, and how it will help your audience. If done well, it will inspire others. Inspiration and positivity is infectious. You may have to try a few time before you get it right.

Once you do get it right, you will find people that will not partake in your vision. Treat them like cancer. Remove them from your ecosystem. Negativity and second-guessing cause cancer, apply inspirational chemotherapy as needed. If you cannot eliminate the bad vibes, preform a preventative surgery and remove the attitude before cancer forms. It is better a bridge burns than a village.

Make sure you take action upon your vision in a timely manner while your team is revved up.  Vision without action is just a daydream. Daydreamers are slackers. Nobody follows a slacker into battle.
Find quick wins to supplement your momentum during phases of slow action.

Remember to celebrate your victories. This helps to keep morale up, momentum forward, and energy positive.

Keep in mind team members roles. Leaders help people become more than they are. Managers help people be better at who they are. Supervisors make sure people are doing the best at what they are supposed to be doing. If everyone on the team is a true believer in the task for which they are working, inspiration will come from every team member. Even so, everyone must respect each other. 

Personally, I feel it is better to have a sense of working with someone rather than working for someone. It makes achieving a goal more collaborative than authoritative. If you are a smart boss, and I hope you are, you are hiring highly skilled people, who are experts at what they do. That would mean they are smarter than you in at least some contexts. You shouldn’t be telling them what to do, you should be asking them what to do and listening when they tell you.

If you aren’t hiring the best people and opt for people with which you feel the most comfortable, fill the very narrow perception of the position, and/or are just prefer subservient individuals, you are part of your company’s problem. Your employees know it and they are probably miserable. You will only be able to inspire mutiny.

Getting inspired or inspiring others isn’t difficult. People typically want to be useful and like being part of a group with positive impact. It is not about money, power, or other rewards. Keeping the inspiration alive, however, takes a great deal of work. Doing so may mean rewiring your entire brain to react to situations completely differently. My, as well as many others, typical first reaction to adversity is some combination of annoyance, anger, and frustration. You may want to place blame, scream, shoot/strangle/behead the messenger, and all around generally berate people and throw a tantrum. As an inspiration leader, you can’t do that. You must find the opportunity in the challenge. I’ll bring up the Charles Swindoll quote again,” Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” That is practically my mantra in challenging situations. In my version, life only gets 5% though. No one is perfect. Unless you’ve been trained this way all your life, adjusting now will take time.

Another part of keeping people inspired, is keeping their respect. To do that, you have to act respectful. You can’t slap people around, threaten them, or intimidate them. Nor should you publicly ridicule them, call them names, or treat them to any action that violates the laws that govern your location (or theirs if they are virtual). Stuff like denying health care to pregnant women stating it’s a pre-existing condition when a merger forced a health care provider switch, harassing people over anything that is (and should be) covered in titled 7 or any of the other many HR related laws, not paying overtime, inappropriate touching, this list could go on endlessly, but I think you get my point. Believe it or not, this stuff still goes on in the United States. I read about it every day in various HR and legal blogs and magazines. If you are guilty of any of these (and beyond), just stop. It's treatment like this that could re-surge unionization.

Now, in a small group with a single task that will disband quickly, inspiration may be all you need to carry your group through to success. Anything beyond that, will need some clear goals and some success metrics. The more complex your organization, potentially, the more complex your goal structure. For example, in a typical small to medium sized business (SMB) the executives would set the corporate level goals such as increase sales, decrease expenses, and utilize assets better. Then there would be easy to use metric associated with them. We can argue over whether we need lead and lag in another post. Here an example of a metric for better utilize assets would be to have a specific machine run at 90% rather than 80. Then the next level down would set goals for their staff that were directly in line with those corporate level goals. Using the a global sales manager as the next rung in the hierarchy, he would set goals for his staff such as increasing the number of cold calls reps do which should increase sales and making the reps request office supplies directly from the central office rather than buying them on their own in an effort to decrease expenses. I think you get the drift, as the goals cascade down, they get more job/individually specific, but is still directly in line with the overall corporate plan. I’m sure this is not news to you. Let me ask though, are you doing this properly? Really? I’m constantly surprised at how many companies big and small have departmentally silo-ed goals that are skewed or in direct conflict with corporate plans.

Another key to inspirational leadership success; eliminate the unimportant/non-value add/poorly designed tasks that are roadblocks to getting valuable work done. Also, if you are still using Excel and Access to manage and communicate a good portion of your data…just stop. There are better solutions. That is for another post too. Back to my point, nothing kills an inspiration buzz, like having to halt work on an exciting task to do some task that could be automated “if we could just find the time.”  There are lots of reasons manual process still permeate our technologically inclined world, being in IT I know better than some, but as a corporate leader, you have the power to disappear tedious processes. And you should. They are stealing money out of your gross margins.

Furthermore, as a leader, you should make sure you have a good way to track wins for not only the team, but for each individual too. Making sure people are recognized for their part of the team’s success helps ensure they will continue to enjoying being part of the team. Also, if you are going to call out an individual for a victory, make sure that victory wasn’t a team effort. Even if you mean well, doing this will bring instant discord to a team. If this happens to your team, make sure it is addressed immediately. Even just an email apologizing for the mistake. If your team lead or the person who misspoke won’t address the issue, find a new job, the team will be toxic in a few months.  These wins should be noted somewhere so that it can be addressed on the next personnel review. 

Now, annual performance reviews are only as effective as the company makes them. If the company treats them like they are important, they will be important. Otherwise, they will be a joke and will fall into the non-value add section above. Also, once a year is a long time to go to get feedback on performance that is supposed to be tied directly to the corporate goals. Quarterly might be more effective. I’ve also always been a fan on the 360 degree review. When people are honest, it can lead to a better understanding of one’s strengths and weaknesses.  

So far, we’ve only addressed the matter from the perspective of teams or companies with existing personnel. If you get to hire your team, you can weed out negative, clock watchers with good probing interview questions. Meeting people face to face, reviewing their resume and experience with them, and having them talk with other team members can all be fairly simple ways to find solid team members.

As you can tell, getting a dream team isn’t so much about finding perfect people. Yes getting people with the capacity to accept your vision and inspiration is as important as finding ones with the correct skill set for the job. It’s more about getting your mind in place to mold your people into the perfect team, then eliminating roadblocks in the workplace. It sounds easy on paper. It starts being easier when you become a leader and stop being a boss.

To keep up with this author or blog, make sure we are Linkedin.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Enthusiasms in Conflict Resolution

Issues. Problems. Push back. Trouble. No matter what you call it, conflict arises in many of life's situations. In my childhood, I was adept at causing conflict. Whether that conflict was with my parents, brother, or caused out with my friends, didn't matter. I was good at causing it. In many instances the conflict was nothing more than me running my mouth in direct opposition to whatever will was trying to be imposed on me. Never anything much that couldn't be cure with an "I'm sorry."

However, my real hard knocks introduction to the topic of conflict management came down Bookwalter Drive one summer in the form of three kids a few years my elder and a red aluminum baseball bat. I'll relay this story in PG language for the more conservative readers out there. While I was about 12 at the time, the exchanges were certainly rated R. Anywhere the speech feels awkward, it’s because a soft word has replaced a profanity. I still cannot to this day remember when I ran my mouth at those kids. Nor have I shared this story much lest someone uncover the groveling and tears that led up to the denouement.

Regardless, walking home from a friend’s house, I round the corner from Carmen to Bookwalter. There were no iPods or affordable cell phones at this point, nor did I have a Walkman yet, so my hearing was in no way impaired. I distinctly saw these three much bigger kids, made eye contact, then the one in the middle pointed the bat at me and said, "Hey, it's that mouthy boy from the other day. Get him!"

I froze. Coincidentally, this was the first time I experienced the lag in one's flight or fight responses. The delay was enough to let the skinniest boy grab me and pin my arms behind me. He held me there while the one with the bat, a blonde, freckled kid, approached to say, "Who's the boy now, fella." I'd like to say I was heroic. But I was panicked. I tried commanding them to let me go, threatening to call the cops, and just plain struggling. It didn't work. They just laughed. The third boy kicked me in the leg and punched me in the arm. I started crying. I apologized. I promised to be nice. Bat kid just said, "You really are the boy now. Arentcha? Hold him there." He drew back the bat into an off-center stance.

This exchange had probably lasted 45 seconds. While it felt much longer, not much else in my life has felt longer than waiting for his shoulder to lurch forward. I envisioned myself battered and beaten. Much like the guy at the end of Robert De Niro's enthusiasms speech in the movie "Untouchables." Except the panic had subsided due to the adrenaline kicking in. When his shoulder twitched, I stepped forward fast. This left Skinny on the receiving end on the bat's barrel. Blondie’s wrists snapped into the upper part of my rib cage and the bat came to rest snugly under my armpit. I swiveled to the right with the bat and slid to a more adjudicated position. The bat dropped cleanly into my grip. I raised it above my head screaming, "You boys are freaked now."

They ran. My hands shook a bit. Then I walked home with my new bat.

Usually a victory doesn't solidify a story’s morale quite as well as a loss. If you are expecting the morale of the story to be that I learned to hold my tongue, you’d be quite wrong. However, I certainly learned a few valuable lessons about conflict and its resolution. I’ll name several, but I don’t want to get all Art of War on you. 
  1. Conflict can come at any time.
  2. Your typical resolution methods may not work, be willing to append them to the situation.
  3. It is better to react before you are pinned
  4. If you get the sense that the person you are in conflict with may want nothing more than to watch you lose something, take the smallest hit possible, and exit promptly.
  5. Staying calm is absolutely required.
  6. Knocking those in conflict off balance may tilt the situation in your favor.
  7. Just because you are outnumbered, have a poor position, and are out gunned (hopefully metaphorically), does not mean that given the right moment the situation won’t turn in your favor. 

As an adult, I’d consider my adolescent assaults an unsuccessful resolution. Typically, you’d want both parties leaving feeling that they have come to an amicable agreement to their conflict on their own.   In my situation, only one part left happy. Granted, success is all in how you define your metrics. Since I never ran into those boys again, maybe it was a good enough resolution. I know the bat served me well in all our pickup baseball games over the years. I should probably get it out of my garage and give it to someone who can use it. Maybe I should get it engraved to say, “This is what you get when your mouth runs faster than your feet.” 

To keep up with this blog and author, please make sure we are Linkedin.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Blackphone updates PrivatOS and launches own App store for users privacy and security

Blackphone updates PrivatOS and launches own App store for users privacy and security

Privacy and security dedicated smartpphone maker Blackphone, today announced major update of its PrivateOS operating system. Blackphone has also announced that it will launch a new App store for its users with a single point focus on providing security and privacy.
Blackphone's New PrivatOS Enhances Users' Privacy While Granting Access To Apps, Dedicated App Store to be Launched in January 2015

The handset maker announced on Tuesday that its customized Android operating system, PrivatOS will be given its biggest updates since the launch.

The new version, PrivatOS 1.1 will include a new feature dubbed Spaces which would be similar to Samsung Knox feature.  Spaces will offer Blackphone users a dedicated, private and secure container in which they can save their private files, photos and videos without the threat of leaks.

Blackphone said it has build the Spaces in collaboration with Graphite Software.  Blackphone said that the "Silent Space" will come pre-loaded by by default on Blackphone handsets and includes the Silent Suite of apps for encrypted communication. Blackphone's Spaces can also be used separate containers for work and play, or parents and children.  You can also create dedicated Spaces container according to your personal choice or topic like travel or relaxation.

The Blackphone App Store.

Blackphone CEO, Toby Weir also announced the launch of App store at a future date.  Speaking to The Inquirer, Blackphone CEO Toby Weir-Jones said he hopes the app store will encourage developers to contribute new solutions.
"We're not trying to be another untrusted, third-party app store -- there's lots of those out there already," Weir-Jones said. "We're looking to provide a selective and curated assortment of privacy-focused apps. That doesn't just include password management and email encryption apps. It's those that handle user details appropriately."
Weir said that, in the beginning, the App store will only offer free applications but will add paid Apps including Apps with in-App purchases at a later date.To maintain privacy and security, each and every App will have to go through a rigorous vetting process at Blackphone.  Weir said that they will be particularly harsh on Apps permissions and only those Apps with required permissions will be listed on the App store. Weir cited the example of an email app, which he said would want access to a handset's microphone and camera, would not be suitable for listing at the Blackphone app store.

Weir said the tentative date for launch of App store has been fixed in January, 2015.

Resource : PRNews Wire.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Is Uber's Security Reliable, first the God View Tool and now the rape of a Delhi girl by its driver

Is Uber's Security Reliable, first the God View Tool and now the rape of a Delhi girl by its driver

Uber came to the public view with a sound revenue stream, right plan of action and a great management team.  But as time goes by, Uber is more in news for its security mishaps rather than good performance.  
Is Uber's Security Reliable, first the God View Tool and now the rape of a Delhi girl by its driver

Only a week ago, a researcher, GironSec found out that Uber's Android App (and maybe iPhone App too) was reporting Uber's customers user confidential data back to the Uber terminal without users explicit approval/permission.  

He has decompiled the code of the Uber Android app and found it to be collecting and sending the following information back to Uber:
Is Uber's Security Reliable, first the God View Tool and now the rape of a Delhi girl by its driver

And on Friday night, a 27-year old woman in Delhi was allegedly raped inside a cab which she had booked using Uber. 

As per the preliminary reports coming out of New Delhi, The finance professional had hired the Uber cab after attending a party from Gurgaon to go home.  After a while, she fell asleep in the back only to find herself in a secluded area.  The cab driver then then proceeded to sexually assault her.  Later he dropped her home and warned her of dire consequences if she approached the police. 

Uber's Statement 

Uber India issued a statement post the incident. “We became aware of the incident this morning. Safety is Uber’s highest priority and we take situations like this very seriously. We are working with the police as they investigate, and will assist them in any way we can to determine what happened. It is also our policy to immediately suspend a driver’s account following allegations of a serious incident, which we have done. In India, we work with licensed driver-partners to provide a safe transportation option, with layers of safeguards such as driver and vehicle information, and ETA-sharing to ensure there is accountability and traceability of all trips that occur on the Uber platform.”

This isnt the first rape case involving Uber

Back in 2013, a 20-year old rider was allegedly raped in Washington DC whilst riding with a vehicle booked using Uber and there is another instance of Uber driver sexually assaulting a female passenger in Chicago. Both cases had created huge furore in USA and forced Uber to come up with a comprehensive security policy for women.

Uber has to really answer some serious questions relating to its security policy.  As per Uber’s US website, there is a three-step screening process before a driver is hired. 

In the Delhi rape case, the driver had used a false identity, yet he was in the employ of Uber.  Further the police found that the Uber cab used by the fashion professional didnt have a GPS fitted in it. So how exactly is Uber screening its drivers and deploying its cabs. The rape cases in USA force Uber to come out with drastic changes in its security policies and a full website detailing its stand security policy but the India's Uber doesnt have any such webpage dedicated to security.  Is it that, Uber considers India any less vulnerable to sexual assaults or lesser important to its business planning.

In the view of above,  Uber may have to come out with a open ended security policy and a detailed driver checklist with every cab fitted with GPS, before the Indians could actually trust Uber.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

GOSF 2014: LG G Pro LG-D838 at Rs 28808 only

In Great online shopping Deals, Snapdeal offers up to 44% discount on LG G Pro Smartphone. That means 51500 LG G Pro Smartphone for 28808 only, without any additional shipping charges. This offer expires on l December 9 2014. There is no need of coupon code to obtain discount on store. Just browse LG G Pro 2 on store>add product to cart>Make a payment all done!

Price comparison in different store:

  • HomeShop18: 32,999
  • Indiatimes shopping: 32,500
  • Infibeam: 32,000
  • 51,500

upto 44% off on LG G Pro
LG G Pro 2
LG G Pro is powered with 2.26 GHz Quad-core Snapdragon processor. That helps to runs Android 4.4 KitKat operating system. Like other high class Smartphone, it has 2-megapixel front facing camera and 13-megapixel back facing camera. That can used to take high quality snap and record videos. 

Internally it supports up to 16 GB storage memory. That can be extended through MicroSD slot till 64 GB. Device boosted with 3 GB of RAM and powerful chipset. 3200 mAh is much enough to stay long time. LG brand added all connectivity features, in addition with required sensors.
Stay connected with to get latest shopping deals and feel free to share this on social.  

Friday, December 5, 2014

GOSF 2014: flat 43% off on Samsung 40H5100 40 inch slim television listed Samsung 40H5100 television with discount on this great online shopping festival. Like other product listed so far, we can avail offers on home electronics.

Samsung 40H5100 priced with Rs 51990, now available for Rs 29,449. Hurry up! To grab 43% off on store and also 6% cash back as a cluesbucks. And charge Rs 499 for shipping.

How to get a GOSF 2014 offers on Samsung 40H5100 television?
You don’t need to worry about it! Just browse towards>search for product (Samsung 40H5100)>add to cart>enter discount coupon as SC4SL49. Enjoy great discount on this shopping fest 2014. And also Seller give 1 year warranty on this product.
Samsung 40H5100 at Rs 29499 only
Samsung 40H5100

Samsung 40H5100 television has 40-inch 1920 x 1080 full high definition resolution display. It includes connectivity features such as two pair of USB 2.0 and HDMI ports. And audio functions with 2 built-in good sound quality speakers. Samsung brand added long life battery which consumes 65W of power supply when using and 0.5W on standby mode.

Stay connected with eviltek digital blog in social network and don’t forget to share it.          

Jadwal Keberangkatan Kereta Api Indonesia di Android

Apakah Anda termasuk orang yang suka menggunakan sarana transportasi kereta api saat bepergian dinas? Atau Anda berniat pergi keluar kota untuk urusan keluarga atau hiburan? Di Android, ada satu aplikasi yang membuat Anda nyaman dan tidak akan berdesak-desakan lagi saat saat naik kereta api, karena kini ada aplikasi jadwal keberangkatan kereta api Indonesia di Android. Anda bisa memesan tempat

How to recover data from your iPhone

How to recover data from your iPhone

With the introduction of the latest iPhone 6 and iOS 8, the craze has started all over again. Each time there’s a new Apple product, we can see long queues of people waiting to get their hands on the latest Apple product and it has even become like a trend or an in-thing to be able to get a new Apple device as soon as it is launched. That’s why you would need a reliable iPhone data recovery for Mac in case something untoward happens to your precious device.

Here comes EaseUS MobiSaver which is the data recovery software for your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. It is also compatible with the latest iPhone 6 & iOS 8 that also supports iPhone 6 Plus recovery and extract the data from an iTunes backup. It is a solution that you can use to recover deleted contacts, SMS, Notes, Videos and Photos under all kinds of scenarios; be it data loss from accidental deletion, iOS upgrade or if your device is lost or broken.
How to recover data from your iPhone

There are two recovery modes in the iPhone data recovery for Mac software that are available. The first one is to recover from an iOS device that doesn’t have backup. In this instance, the data loss normally occurs after an accidental deletion or iOS upgrade failure. There have been many users reporting that there are problems when they upgrade from iOS 6 to iOS 7 or from iOS 7 to iOS 8. Also when there’s problem with the device or the device is damaged but it can still be recognized when it is connected to a PC. Or when the device is locked and you have forgotten the password but in an urgent need to start the process of iPhone 6 Plus recovery.
How to recover data from your iPhone

The second recovery mode is to recover from an existing iTunes Backup. This can be used especially for cases where you experienced data loss due to accidental deletion or from a nasty virus attack. Also if your device was lost or broken and can’t successfully connect or detected by your PC. Finally due to an iOS upgrade failure or even jailbreak failure where it shows that the device is stuck at the white Apple logo or always in recovery mode.
How to recover data from your iPhone

All it takes to perform the iPhone data recovery for Mac are 3 simple steps and that means your iPhone Plus 6 recovery can be completed very quickly. The first step is to connect your device to your PC that you have installed EaseUS MobiSaver on or to search for an existing iTunes backup. Next is to start the actual Scan and finally the third step is to Preview and Recover where you can preview the lost data content before proceeding to confirm and recover it. You can also then Export and save recovered contacts in various format such as VCF,CSV, HTML.Message attachment that also includes text, picture and audio.

EaseUS MobiSaver is a very reliable and easy to use iPhone data recovery for Mac. So the next time you’re in trouble, you know where you can find help to perform that iPhone 6 Plus recovery.

Gosf 2014: Huawei Ascend G610 at Rs 7400 only

In flipkart, you can avail up to 43% discount on Huawei Ascend G610 Smartphone. In the great online shopping festival grab 12999 for only 7400 with free shipping. When compared to other store, Flipkart giving a 5599 discount on Huawei Ascend G610 Smartphone. 

This deal is valid till December 7 2014. Hurry up! Start shopping on this fest. No need of any coupon to avail discount. Just search for Huawei Ascend in Flipkart and add to cart. Finally make payment All done!
Gosf 2014: Huawei Ascend G610 at Rs 31,990 only
Huawei Ascend G610 

Specification: Huawei Ascend G610 is an Android based Smartphone with 1.2 GHz Quad-core processor. It has 5-inch LCD multi-touch display screen. Internally, device includes 4 GB of phone memory, 1 GB RAM, 5 megapixel rear camera and 0.3 mega pixel front facing camera. We can extend internal storage up to 32 GB through MicroSD slot. 

And 2150 mAh battery powerful helps to use long enough. Along with some requirement, Huawei added sensor to support gaming experience. Feel free to share this on social network and get connected with us. Subscribe to our network to get latest updates on deals.       

Thursday, December 4, 2014

GOSF: Flat 39% off on Samsung Galaxy S5 in snapdeal

Great online shopping festival in India, Snapdeal offers up to 39% on latest Samsung Galaxy S5. That reduces 54300 INR Galaxy S5 to 21371 INR with one year warranty. You can grab this deal on Snapdeal including free shipping. There is no need of any coupon code to get this discount. Just grab a deal. Add Samsung galaxy S5 (white) to cart. Make a payment through in any method, all done! 

And this deal expires on December 8 2014. Now hurry up! To the store to avail GOSF offers.  Likewise, after a great shopping fest (Black Friday & cyber Monday event) ends. GOSF deals in India brought great discount on many online shopping store.
GOSF: Flat 39% off on Samsung Galaxy S5 in snapdeal
Samsung galaxy S5

Specification: Samsung Galaxy S5 powered with Android KitKat operating system. Internally, device has 16 GB phone memory which boosts with 2GB of RAM. This runs on powerful chipset that is Quad 1.9GHz, Quad 1.3GHz and XMM6360. Samsung’s Li-Ion 2800 mAh battery is much enough to stay 390 hrs in standby mode. And ultra saving mode settings helps on low battery. In front, we have 2 megapixel front facing camera that can be used on video calling as well as to capture selfies. On other side, 16 mega pixel camera to record videos and snaps.

Feel free to share this on social network and don’t forget to connect with us. To get latest updates on great online shopping festival.    

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Starmobile Knight X Unbelievably At Just Php 15,990!

Starmobile finally unveils their new flagship smartphone, Starmobile Knight X. It is considered as the most powerful flagship in Philippines right now and nevertheless at only P15,990.


Display: 5.5 Inches Full HD scratch resistant IPS display at 1920 x 1080 resolution
Processor: 2.0 GHz MediaTek MT6595M True octa-core chip
GPU: PowerVR IMG Rogue G6200
ROM: 32 GB
Rear Camera: 13 MP F2.2 Aperture Sony Exmor RS IMX135 camera
Front Camera: 5 MP
Battery: 3350 mAh
OS: Android 4.4 KitKat
Connectivity: WiFi, Bluetooth, NFC, GPS, A-GPS, IR Blaster
Others: USB OTG
Dimensions: 152 x 77.7 x 8.9mm
Price: PHP 15,990.00

The Starmobile Knight X is equipped with the next generation Octa Core chipset, the first to offer dual SIM dual LTE capabilities, a Sony Exmor RS IMX135 camera which is best for capturing, 3GB of RAM which caters your multitasking, and the largest battery of any Starmobile smartphone at 3,350mAh battery that'll keep you going all day long and still have more to give.

Source: Starmobile Facebook